Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
The Internet homepage is owned and provided within the meaning of the German Federal Data Protection Act [Bundesdatenschutzgesetz – BDSG] by Steigenberger Hotels AG with offices at Lyoner Strasse 40, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, germany.

This privacy policy does not apply to websites of other companies, individuals or organisations which can be accessed through links on our homepage. We accept no responsibility whatsoever for such websites or their contents.

Collection and processing of personal data
Whenever you visit our homepage, the IP address of your Internet service provider, the website from which you visit us, the websites that you visit on our homepage as well as the date, time and duration of your visit are stored as standard information (also known as access data). Such access data are analysed only for statistical purposes and are not linked to other personal data.

Beyond that, we store your personal data only when you provide us with such data voluntarily, e.g. as part of a registration, survey, prize contest or for the purpose of performing a contract (e.g. hotel reservation). The data that you enter for purposes of carrying out a reservation or booking within the scope of our homepage are transmitted in encrypted form (via HTTPS).

In some sections of our homepage, notably as part of the reservation system used by us, so-called cookies are used. These cookies are used to make our homepage user-focused, user-friendly, effective and safe.

Use of personal data and earmarking for a specific purpose
We process and use your personal data for the purpose of executing and performing any existing contractual relationship as well as for our e-mail newsletter if you have subscribed to it.

We would also like to use your data to keep you informed of our offers and services (where applicable, in connection with offers and services of other companies of the Steigenberger Hotel Group) (usage for the purpose of advertising). In the event that you do not agree to this, you may object to the use of your data at any time (see section: “Right of objection, Right to information, Rectification”).

We require our employees and co-operation partners to observe a duty of confidentiality as well as the data secrecy as defined in section 5 BDSG.

Use of so-called Social Plugins (Facebook)
So-called plugins from the social network, Facebook ( are used in our internet homepage. These are operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”).

When you access a page in our internet homepage which contains such a plugin, a link is established to the Facebook servers and the plugin is shown on the internet page via information transferred to your browser. In the course of this, the Facebook server is provided with information on as to which of our internet pages you visit. You are logged in as a member of Facebook and Facebook registers this information in your personal Facebook user account. When you use the plugin function (for example, by clicking the “gefällt mir [I like it]” button, submitting a comment) this information will also be added to your Facebook account. You can only prevent this by logging out of the use of the plugins.

You can find more information on the recording and use of data by Facebook, about your rights and possibilities for the protection of your private sphere in the data protection information supplied by Facebook.

Revocation, right to information, rectification
You decide yourself whether or not we may use your data for the purpose of advertising as described above. You may object to such use of your data at any time by written notice (also in the form of e-mail to or per fax to +49 69 66564-888) without having to give any reasons for the objection.

On written request we will inform you whether and which of your personal data we have stored. If, despite our efforts to ensure correct and up-to-date data, any information is stored which is not correct, we will rectify such data at your request.

Please direct any complaints or queries regarding the processing or use of your personal data to our data protection officer Ms. Milena Vassilev at Steigenberger Hotels AG, Lyoner Strasse 40, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, or by e-mail to:

Last amended: December 2011